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Motivating Ideas on If A Parent Can Depend on God Almighty for Effective Parenting of Children in Their Formative Years.

Proper parenting is godly parenting. Godly parents provide proper parenting. For such parents relying on God is not a strange phenomenon but a normal lifestyle. A Godly parent is already enjoying a close relationship with God and finds it imperative to rely on God for any and everything in life. It is said that ‘in God we live and move and have our being’. God the creator who in the first instance gave man the responsibility of procreation and subsequent parenting of their offspring is ever ready and willing to give the grace and power to anyone who depends on him to fulfill this all-important role. The power of God is evident in his word and his word is being spread by his servants in various capacities and through various means including this medium. This is why we must not neglect the ideas proffered in this straight forward book. This book provision is borne out of the dedication of this writer to God’s will to produce children of good character and proper behaviors in contrast to what is evident in our contemporary societies. It is aimed at providing practical and reliable solution to the current societal ills emanating from deviant behaviors and characters. The time to stop the blame game is now and the time to rely on God and take the bull by the horn is now for parents who want to produce children they can celebrate; children they can boldly present before God and hear him say well done to them. The world is in dire need of godly parents who take responsibility to train their children in the proper way; who rely on God to provide the resources for bringing the children up in the training and instructions of the Lord for a better society. I want to be such parent! I wish you would stand to be counted too! Our voluntary dependence on the Lord is, in a sense, an indication that we are prepared to be godly and cooperate with God in rearing children that will live a life pleasing to God. It is a sign that we are prepared to render acceptable account to the Lord who made us stewards in his world over our children. God is willing, able and faithful to be relied upon to ensure that our efforts geared towards proper parenting are made fruitful so that he can boast about us like he did about Abraham long before he bore Isaac his only son of promise. If Abraham, with little or no information about human behavior, could fulfil God’s desire in successfully starting off Isaac his son in the way he should go, then we are confident, with the myriads of information and experiences available to us today, and the unchanging nature of the same God of Abraham, that we can equally succeed like Abraham did. In the course of this interesting book we noted that God had provided in man the genetic material of likeness of God and despite the fall of man, has been affecting the development of children according to the semblance of their parents and under their great influence in particular. Hence, it is not the parent that makes the child what he becomes, but God, ensuring that the efforts of the parents for proper upbringing of their children do yield good results. In Apostle Paul’s own words to the Corinthians, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers: you are God’s field, God’s building.” (First Corinthians chapter three, verses seven through nine). Here, parents, plant and water but God makes the seed in the children grow. This is why I said initially in this book that proper parenting is godly parenting. Parents must be prepared to cooperate with God in order to help their children develop acceptable character traits and responsible behavior. The fact that God is faithful can never be over emphasized making it unnecessary for any parent to attempt to find excuses for failing in this solemn responsibility. No wonder parents begin sooner than later to reap the rewards for their labor in this regard whether positive or negative. Surely, we can depend on the Lord to successfully ‘start off our children in the way they should go, so that even when they grow old they will not turn from it’. This is the guarantee that I mentioned at an earlier part of this book and is an unequivocal guarantee: It is based on the faithfulness of God, and not on the efforts of man. As stated in Hebrews chapter ten, verse twenty-three, “… for he who promised is faithful.” And in First Corinthians chapter ten, verse thirteen we read, And God is faithful…” See also Deuteronomy chapter seven, verse nine where we read: “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” And First Thessalonians chapter five, verse twenty-four: “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it”. We can count on God’s eternal faithfulness.


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