Motivating Ideas on How Parenting Could Be Fun for Effective Parenting of Children in Their Formative Years.
Parenting, though a very serious business has a lot of fun attached to it. Come to think of it, every married couple feels a kind of vacuum within a few months after marriage if there is delay in conception by the woman. Inherent in the feeling of loss is the unvoiced expectation of a baby to cuddle, breastfeed and bond with to gratify the gaping yawn for motherhood, which is mistaken for parenting.
When a baby does arrive, the joy in the mother's heart knows no bounds until the baby's cries and other unsettling activities manifest. Young mothers need not be overwhelmed with the demanding responsibilities of child care especially with respect to parenting. Parenting derives its pleasure from a commitment to raising offspring that would turn out a blessing in the long run for the child, parents and society following the obedience of parents to the demands of the creator God.
God in his infinite wisdom has given children parents for a purpose: to nurture offspring that will propagate the name of God for all times and ages. There has been dent in the lifestyle of humans since the old serpent, the devil, tempted the first man and woman to disobey God the creator. It takes the art of parenting in addition to redemption to bring man back on track of obedience from childhood. This is the real art of parenting.
With this understanding of the purpose of parenting each parent can find fun in reciprocating the love of God through conditioning each child for a life of obedience to the creator God. God is pleased with such a parent and provides them opportunities to enjoy the art of parenting and not to see it as a burden and hence neglect it.
The man can find pleasure in the fact that he has been enabled to fend for the mother and thus for the child when he provided food for the wife who breastfeeds the child.
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